Blanco is a unique digital art project consisting of series of 1/1 NFTs, centered around a physical painting on a wooden panel. Embedded in the plaster coating is the T.R.A.C.E. chip from Transient Labs, creating a link between the tangible and digital works. Scanning the chip reveals the evolving story of the painting and provides links to the corresponding NFT's.
'Blanco' will undergo multiple painting sessions over time, meaning that the physical piece will evolve through different states. Each phase of the painting will be captured in photographs, and some of these states will be digitally enhanced or altered. These images will form the basis of the NFT's.
As the project progresses, the physical panel will continue to change with each new layer of paint. In the end, the physical piece will be scraped back to its original blank slate of white plaster, leaving behind only its digital legacy—an evolving collection of NFTs that document its transformation.
Blanco: a living artwork that merges the physical and digital realms, with only the digital pieces remaining to tell the story.
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