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Some like it hot

Randy Milanovic3 owners
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a day in the sand at the beach atop an ancient inland seabed more than 1000 km from the ocean under a blazingly hot midday sun darkened by wildfire smoke Our visit that day was overshadowed by thick wildfire smoke coming from Alberta and Saskatchewan. The smoke dimmed the sun to appear as an orange/red ball in the sky. On a whim, I popped on my 600mm and 2x multiplier, angled the tripod and shot the sun. To my amazement and delight, I captured a sunspot in region 3310. At that moment, I knew what I was going to create. "Some like it hot" is my first 3-photo composite. The sun, the sand, and some clouds I'd shot earlier in the year. Covering approximately 1900 sq km total, the Great Sandhills is a Canadian Historical Site located in the SW corner of Saskatchewan, Canada. It's in the middle of nowhere, perfect for explorers hoping for few people and lots of nature.
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