"The Knowing" captures a poignant moment where a man, lost in his thoughts, symbolizes the pursuit of knowledge. Across from him, an ape gazes with anticipation and perhaps admiration, suggesting a shared quest for understanding.
However, the anticipation might be misplaced, and the man's perceived wisdom could be based on false premises. Viewed through this lens, the narrative challenges elitism, suggesting that superiority and inferiority might not be as fixed as they might appear. Wisdom can emerge from unexpected sources and transcend societal hierarchies. It is not the sole possession of the elite, but rather a shared journey open to all.
Stylistic framework:
"The Knowing" is part of a series of (neo-) expressionist artworks titled "Oh Look! It's Us!" by DocT. Rooted in the late 20th-century movement, Neo-Expressionism emerged as a rebellious force against the abstract and conceptual art of its time, giving prominence to emotional intensity and the raw tapestry of human experiences. Within this series, a kaleidoscope of distorted yet powerfully authentic reflections of reality and the intricacies of the human condition and the current Zeitgeist is unveiled.
The fusion of static and animated pieces beckons viewers to embark on a journey into the abyss of existence's disarray. Each digital stroke and frame has been meticulously crafted to encapsulate the very essence of our shared human plight. Through somewhat chaotic brushwork and vibrant hues, the series embraces the profound and illuminates the enigmatic and unsettling aspects of life in an almost visceral manner.
Process and media:
Each work is the outcome of a specifically designed multi-step process, which includes the creation of a series of base images with MJ and/or SD, the partial blending of the base image drafts, and comprehensive post-editing using Photoshop and other editing tools.
Of note:
Each piece collected from this series comes with a collectors edition piece. Collectors can sacrifice 3 collectors editions in exchange for one 1/1 from this series of their own choosing.
The majority of pieces from this line of work will be 1/1 NFTs, apart from future airdrops to collectors and occasional edition pieces. Some works may also be available as separate physical artworks in the future, which would not include the NFT.
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