April Revolution, also known as Wiggle Revolution, were mass wigglings around Primus inter pares. Gangs funded by spineless supporters of the leader wanted to attack Inert Revolutionaries, but they couldn't wiggle to reach them. The word "revolution" was added only after the whole wigglement was depicted in historic paintings. There is still no consensus about which calendar captures best these moments.
It is important to add that many minds gathered, and great ideas were born, but nothing happened*. Everybody wiggled, but no one moved. Nobody threw a stone. Some fell down**. Commoners watched the scene from shadows but were very careful not to participate in it. It was fun!
*Mlibty Shadows have no ears, so can't hear one another
**Mlibty Shadows have no legs and arms, they fall easily. Others can't help them to stand up again, because they have no legs, no arms, and no ears.